April 2021, Exports reached US$ 1.48 Billion, Imports reached US$ 224.58 Million - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Mahakam Hulu Regency

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April 2021, Exports reached US$ 1.48 Billion, Imports reached US$ 224.58 Million

Release Date : June 2, 2021
File Size : 1.02 MB


  • The export value of Kalimantan Timur Province in April 2021 reached US $ 1.48 billion or decreased by 1.85 percent compared to exports in March 2021. Meanwhile, when compared to April 2020, it increased by 31.21 percent.
  • The export value of oil and gas goods in April 2021 reached US$ 80.35 million, up 155.13 percent compared to March 2021. Meanwhile, exports of non-oil and gas goods in April 2021 reached US$ 1.40 billion, down 5.21 percent compared to March 2021.
  • Cumulatively, the export value of Kalimantan Timur Province for the January – April 2021 period reached US$ 5.55 billion, an increase of 12.60 percent over the same period in 2020.
  • Of all exports for the January - April 2021 period, the role of exports of oil and gas goods reached 3.29 percent, while the role of exports of non-oil and gas goods reached 96.71 percent.
  • The import value of Kalimantan Timur Province in April 2021 reached US$ 224.58 million, an increase of 12.17 percent compared to imports in March 2021. Meanwhile, when compared to April 2020, it increased by 120.47 percent.
  • Imports of oil and gas goods in April 2021 reached US$ 137.27 million, an increase of 435.91 percent compared to March 2021. Meanwhile, imports of non-oil and gas goods in April 2021 reached US$ 87.31 million, a decrease of 49.99 percent compared to March 2021.
  • Cumulatively, the import value of Kalimantan Timur Province for the January - April 2021 period reached US$ 676.60 million, a decrease of 19.32 percent compared to the same period in 2020. Of all imports for the January - April 2021 period, the role of oil and gas imports reached 34.41 percent while the role of imports of non-oil and gas goods reached 65.59 percent.
  • The trade balance of Kalimantan Timur Province in April 2021 was a surplus of US $ 1.25 billion, a decrease when compared to the trade balance in March 2021 which was a surplus of US $ 1.31 billion. Meanwhile, cumulatively, the trade balance of Kalimantan Timur Province for the period January – April 2021 was a surplus of US$ 4.87 billion.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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